Metrobikes - Taxi Bikes

MetroBikes were first introduced into London in 2002 as a modern and environmentally friendly method of transport in a thriving and busy city. It soon became apparent that, due to their radical and futuristic design coupled with their popularity with tourists and residents alike, they would become a perfect vehicle for corporate sponsorship. 

They are an attractive outdoor advertising medium for advertisers whose objective is to build a high profile, long-term campaign in the city.

The bikes can also operate as taxis in the city centre with each bike ridden by a trained, experienced rider.


Advertise on a Metrobike

Due to its futuristic design, the Metrobike is unmistakable in urban areas. It can either be fitted with highly visible posters or, for the ultimate effect, can be ‘wrapped' so that the entire vehicle carries the sponsor's corporate colours, logo and message.

The Metrobikes place your message in a very visible position drawing attention to the advertising wherever they travel in the city. They also offer both a fun and compelling media enabling your brand to be displayed to a broad audience with great effect.

The taxi bikes are easy to ride carrying 2 people in comfort and are fully equipped to deal with the ever-changing London climate, operating throughout the year. 

Our clients include: