Costs - Purchasing or hiring Promoflags


Purchase Cost per unit
Promoflag system without printed flag £400
Promoflag system with printed flag (1 side) £550
Promoflag system with printed flag (both sides) £630
1-10 Promoflags : delivery cost £60 for all
11-20 Promoflags : delivery cost £110 for all
21+ Promoflags: No delivery cost

Hire Cost
Promoflags system (minimum three 'a set') £350
Flags (Printed 1 side) £150
Flags (Printed both sides) £230
Prices are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
1 day = 8 hours (additional hours charged at £35 per hour)
Includes operator and insurance.
Transport costs may apply depending on duration/location of the campaign.
Inside London -1 day minimum
Outside London - 2 days minimum

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